Master's in Philosophy

The Master program in Philosophy offers students the opportunity to become acquainted with specific philosophical questions and debates and further pursue their interests in this regard over the long term.

The program content encompasses all relevant fields of contemporary research. Normal seminars are supplemented by colloquia, block seminars and supervised project work, all of which enable students to further pursue their specific interests. In this manner, students are effectively prepared for their master thesis and a scholarly or academic career.

Master Philosophie
Basic information
Degree: Master of Arts in Philosophy, Universität Bern
Number of credits: 120 ECTS credits
Degree programs:
  • Major 90 ECTS credits
Offer for other degree programs:
  • Minor 30 ECTS credits
Combination possibilities: several
Duration: 4 semesters
Language: German
Beginning studies: Fall or spring semester

The Master program in Philosophy extensively addresses the history of philosophy and systematic questions in theoretical and practical philosophy. The program's seminars, colloquia and block seminars serve as a framework in which students examine special topics together. Students also choose a philosophy topic for extensive project work supported by a faculty member. The program is designed to enable a course of study that takes into account the student's interests and previous academic experience.

The program expands the student's knowledge of philosophy and introduces students to philosophical research topics. Among other things, students learn how to apply philosophical methods to philosophical research topics and also how to formulate constructive solution approaches for philosophical problems. They also acquire the ability to utilize pertinent scholarly literature for systematic and historical philosophical research in projects and to write scholarly papers that present the results of their own research and contemplations.

The Master's degree program in Philosophy consists of a major with 90 ECTS credits and a minor with 30 ECTS credits.

The major can be combined with any minor subject taught in a sufficient scope at the University of Bern, with the exception of Philosophy, Philosophy of the Mind and Philosophy of Science.

Major ECTS Minor ECTS
90         30        

Examples of master thesis topics at the institute.

  • “The Nature of Ideas. On the Moral Justification of Intellectual Property Rights”
  • „The Immigrant’s Right to Citizenship. On Naturalization in Liberal Democratic States”
  • „Die Anerkenntnis von Unrecht. Gründe für eine Pflicht, nicht-historisches und historisches Unrecht anzuerkennen”
  • „The Moral Legitimacy of Terrorism“
  • „The Role of Responsibility in Egalitarian Theories of Justice”
  • „Volenti non fit iniuria? Exploitation in Free Market Transactions“
  • „Universalität und Menschenrechte“
  • „Gerechtigkeitsaspekte des freien Welthandels. Eine Erörterung der ökonomischen Argumente für globalen Freihandel anhand von John Rawls‘ Konzeption der Gerechtigkeit“
  • „Wie identifizieren wir Kunst? Zum Diskurs von Definition und Identifikation in der neueren analytischen Philosophie der Kunst“
  • „Freundschaftspflichten“
  • „Was sind die Bedingungen für eine diachrone Autonomiekonzeption?“
  • „Das Seins-Sollens-Problem“
  • „Personale Identität“
  • „Carnap und Boghossian über Logik und Analytizität“
  • „Fallible Rechtfertigung a priori“
  • „Philosophische Methoden in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit“

Individual academic requirements

The following academic qualifications are required for admission to the master’s degree program in Philosophy (major):

a) Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university, or an equivalent degree, with a major in Philosophy.
b) Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university, or an equivalent degree, with a minor in Philosophy. Additional attainments of up to 60 ECTS credits from the Bachelor program in Philosophy will be required. The ECTS credits will be listed separately in the diploma supplement as extracurricular attainments.

Bachelor's degree from a university with a major in a different branch of studies, provided that the master's degree can be successfully completed with an additional maximum 60 ECTS credits.

Additional attainments can either be admission requirements which must be fulfilled in order to complete the master's degree program or admission requirements which must be fulfilled before admission to the master's degree program. The ECTS credits will be listed separately in the diploma supplement as extracurricular attainments.

Please consult the admission requirements for the minor as presented in the plan of studies.

The bachelor's degree may not be more than ten years old. Exceptions are possible where justified. 

Swiss bachelor's degrees/programs

from the University of Bern

that allow admission to the desired master's degree program without any assessment:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Language requirements

If knowledge of Latin or Greek is necessary for research on specific topics, you must acquire this as part of extracurricular studies during your master's degree program. The ECTS credits will be listed separately in the diploma supplement as extracurricular attainments.

For questions regarding application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office.

Current UniBE students

Apply for a change to the M A in Philosophy, Universität Bern by self-service as part of the re-registration for the next semester.
Renewal of semester registration → Self-service
Recognition of academic achievements
Procedure and timing of the renewal of semester registration

Application with a Swiss degree

Online application
Steps from application to registration

Application with an international degree

Online application
CHECKLIST - Documents for your application / Important information
Steps from application to registration

For questions regarding application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office.